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"Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it"


~Hannah Arendt 

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Year In Review: Year 2


Let’s get started, shall we? My second year at UC was filled with new responsibilities and new challenges. I came into it fresh off a hectic summer of clinical neurology research, COVID-19 contact tracing, and classes (including the 6-week nightmare called Half-Session Physics II). But I was excited: I had emergent leadership roles and promising classes, and I was determined to get back into research after in-person SURF was cancelled for the summer.


My two semesters were each tough in their respective ways, but I learned a lot (and not just science, though Human Physiology did feel like getting smothered in information at times). I learned the importance of maintaining social relationships despite the pandemic and living alone in a four-person suite. I learned how to reach out and ask for help, even if you think you can do things alone (looking at you again, Physiology). Most importantly, I learned the significance of taking quiet moments to just reflect and be grateful for all the wonderful things in life, especially during times when things don’t always seem so great.


Keeping consistent with my Year 1 in Review, here’s a list of the high and low moments of my 2020-21 school year:


  1. Trained to be an SI for Chemistry! Managed to juggle Microsoft Teams and Notability screen sharing, as well as build confidence in my knowledge and problem-solving explanations.

  2. Last-minute switched labs (temporarily) to a neuroscience lab at UC Health. Dissected chick embryos and grew neurites on plates.

  3. Stolen bike — reported to the police, to no avail :(

  4. Visited Ault Park with my family, passed by the historic Cincinnati Observatory

  5. Gave my first meeting as Editor-in-Chief for the MedSci Chronicles! I’m really proud of my team and the articles/projects/collaborations we’ve accomplished this year. You can see our logo on the left. 

  6. Loved my two genetics classes this year — I’ve learned that I enjoy medical specialties that have wide, systemic implications (genetics, neurology, endocrinology, immunology, etc.)

  7. Shadowed movement disorder specialist Dr. Alberto Espay at UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute, and started working in his Parkinson’s biomarker research study!

  8. Trips to Drunken Bento’s and Bibibop with my friends Milan, Megha, Prashanthi, and Nick. Also a few late nights of Mario Kart and Overcooked!

  9. Played violin for the music ministry at St. Monica-St. George’s — I always looked forward to walking to church on Sundays and counting how many squirrels I passed.

  10. Volunteered with Price Hillharmonic (an orchestra for adults in Price Hill) with my friend Abe.

  11. First-time voter in the 2020 Presidential Election!

  12. Pho and Findlay Market with Megha, Milan, and Nick and Thai food with my friends at Views on Vine.

  13. My almost decade-old computer died, but thankfully my friend Milan used his mad coding skills to save my SI files. I was so relieved and grateful.

  14. Celebrated Diwali by buying sweets and having lunch at Udupi Café (tried malai kofta and naan for the first time)

  15. Won MedSci T-shirt and logo design contest! Lost the UCCoM Tribunal presidential elections (still amazed by the support from my classmates, though, and glad I had the experience of running — it was a learning experience. You can see my platform on the left!)

  16. Went back to my pulmonary biology lab at Cincinnati Children’s, looking forward to SURF this summer!

  17. Explored Jungle Jim’s and celebrated Megha’s birthday in downtown Cincinnati

  18. Became more socially aware with the Black Lives Matter movement, anti-Asian attacks, and other instances in our nation and globally. Learned to have difficult conversations with the people around me.

  19. Explored Ludlow and bought a $17 vicuña figurine.

  20. Interviewed some of my professors, including Dr. Deborah Lieberman and Dr. Wieczorek, for the MedSci Chronicles.

  21. Physiology was challenging for me, just in terms of breadth and depth of material. This course taught me to find a support network among my peers and professors (I once spent >4 hours in Dr. Worrell’s office hours, as a matter of fact). It also taught me the importance of smart studying.

  22. Speaking of studying, this semester we face(d) the ever-looming beast that is the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). At the time of writing this, I have 21 days left…will it be enough?





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