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Internship PD and Reflection

This fall, I worked as a CHEM1040 Supplemental Instructor for the UC Learning Commons. In conjunction with the role, I was enrolled in the INT1000 course, Internship PD and Reflection. The class complemented the position nicely, as I was able to reflect on my role and see how it fit in the larger picture of my professional goals and future career. In class, we outlined our SMART goals for the semester, conversed with other student interns (in my case, fellow SI leaders), and even created videos introducing ourselves in a possible interview or elevator pitch (you can watch mine -->) 


Being an SI leader was an incredibly rewarding experience. When I was a freshman, I saw SI leaders as the perfect student -- patient, helpful, and of course, very intelligent. When I became an SI leader myself, I quickly learned things were not always so ideal. The beginning of the semester was somewhat stressful as I learned to balance my responsibilities as an SI -- clocking in/out, creating worksheets, answering emails, etc. -- with my responsibilities as a full-time student. I picked up a variety of skills, from time management (!), to technological (where is the "share" button on MS Teams?), to interpersonal (growing in confidence over time). I loved reading my students' feedback forms at the end of the semester and seeing their messages of gratitude. I'm very thankful for the opportunity to have been a role model for my students, as well as the opportunity for personal growth, and I look forward to returning to the Learning Commons next fall! 


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Some fun memes from our worksheets

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